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"I loved the leggings and for work black is all we can wear so it works perfectly. Loved the jumpsuit but didn't fit right unfortunately. The dress was cute but didn't fit right around my shoulders. Will try again next month and I will update my spring selections for you to review :)

Melissa Christie

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"I really love the outfits that were suggested. Even though they didn't fit perfectly. It was nice to have a stylist that understood my style.

Sam Bonin

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"I am super happy with this month's box. I actually really liked every single piece, even though I ended up returning 2 of the 5.

Allison McIlmoyl

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"I really love the look of all the clothes! They are things I would wear for sure it's just my stomach area makes clothes so hard to fit me.

Lisa Laverty

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Shelby Hurlburt

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"Nailed everything and wanted to keep it all however the denim shorts where just a tad to snug at the waist would love to see them in a medium in my next box.


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"Looking forward to doing some seasonal closet purging and replacing some tired old standbys with some fresh new pieces from this box. Thanks April!

Jenn Rabideau

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Vicki Nielsen

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"Thanks so much for the great selection and fun trying items on!

Anna Morgan-Wold

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Kaley Butt

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