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"I liked what you sent, colour scheme was generally good and the business casual theme is definitely appreciated. I was hoping to find more made-in-Canada products but this isn't a deal-breaker for me.

Lindsey Wade

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Anastasia Kashapov

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"Hello Brittany, Loved the beautiful colors and styles. I had a lot of fun trying everything. The two new tops I chose will be perfect for Spring as well as Summer. I'll try to update my pinterest this weekend and will write to you if I need anything specific. Thank you!!

Jacynthe Létourneau

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"I think you are starting off on a good foot. I told myself I would try for 3 months to give my stylist a chance to get to know my style. I see now I should add more summer looks to my pinterest board.

Courtney Fraser

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Megan Jutting

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Poonam Bains

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Alecia Thomlinson

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Denise Connor

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"Hi Sophie! Thanks for putting these together for me! I will try to figure out how to add a "spring" section to my Pinterest board, and then link to you. I have a shoulder injury, so shirts in stretchy fabrics would be a big help. I still need shorts, too (no skirts). Thanks!!!!

Catherine Connelly

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Laura Taman

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