Do you want more Frock Box in your closet? Shop our in-house brand, Miller by Frock Box here.


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Alison Renneberg

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"The pieces would pair very nicely together but the sizing is inconsistent. Hopefully I will have better size luck with the next box!

Delaney Friesen

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"I loved this box!

Lindsay Smallwood

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Nadine Campbell

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"Meghan picked pieces that I really liked! Some were a little out of my “norm” but that’s a good thing. I look forward to future wardrobe items!

Loretta Desselss

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Simone Haerri

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Katherine Williams

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"Very much like the outfit you chose. Funny how I already have two pieces at home that are similar. The quality and fit of the pieces I chose were great.

Kelley Ross

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"Great box this month, thanks!

Kristina Stewart

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"Thanks the jeans were awesome


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