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"I loved all these pieces and look forward to next months again! The couple of pieces that didn't fit perfectly were unfortunate but something that happens so not a big at all, I'm excited to wear the pieces that I kept!

Ashlee Towerzey

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"Hey April! Thanks for the box, I love the mix of colours and styles, just a few fit issues this month.

Mindy Blackwell

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"My most worn pieces right now are mostly comfy cozy clothes (toddler and baby in the house haha), I'd love more pieces that are stylish yet cozy to wear! you definitely hit it head on for summer clothes this time around! Another stylish option for a jacket would be nice, seeing as I often wear my plaid one similar to the one sent in this order!

Taylar Powell

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Cindy Mytruk

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"Loved the skirt and sleeveless top!


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Jannel Hockey

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Lisa Laverty

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Jennifer Hoffert

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Valerie Lepage

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Leah Hokanson

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