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"My most worn pieces right now are mostly comfy cozy clothes (toddler and baby in the house haha), I'd love more pieces that are stylish yet cozy to wear! you definitely hit it head on for summer clothes this time around! Another stylish option for a jacket would be nice, seeing as I often wear my plaid one similar to the one sent in this order!

Taylar Powell

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Lisa Laverty

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Valerie Lepage

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Jennifer Hoffert

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Lauren Smith

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"This was great! I'm sending 3/5 things back but would have tried on 2 of them in a store. I just wasn't fond of them on me. This is more accurate than I think friends or family would be if they tried to shop for me.

Tara-Lynn Archer

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Leah Hokanson

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"I will have to update my sizes I think. I followed the size chart but I think I’m more of an XL than a 2XL

Courtney Bowell

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Mairead Rodgers Russell

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Kyla Mireault

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