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"I like both these pieces. The top is comfortable and suits my style. The jeans are a nice current look. Colours and styles for my personality and things I tend to wear. Wonderful job thanks you.

Crystal Peoples Hynes

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Julie van Buuren

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michelle Rowe

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"my most worn piece in my closet is probably one of my flannel shirts that i wear over a black tank top.. either with shorts, jeans or black leggings! I love layering and especially shirts I can wear open and over a black tank.

Carolyn Genzel

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Meagan Baird

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Nancy Dewling

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Angela Carter

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Nicole Koughan

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"Thank you again, and also thank you for sending items I probably wouldn't have picked myself but ended up loving because of how you paired the items up. I've been wearing everything you've sent! I think next I would love more light weight, flirty tops for the hot days to come. If ever there are more shorts or Jean shorts, I would love to try more on. I've had my Jean shorts forever and they are beginning to fall apart!

Elaina Buccitelli

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Heather Tenney

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