Do you want more Frock Box in your closet? Shop our in-house brand, Miller by Frock Box here.


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"I have such a hard time shopping online as I never get the sizing right. Everything fit in this box, though - I couldn't believe it! Thank you! I seriously debated keeping everything. I am looking forward to the next package!

Shoneth Leadbetter

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"Totally my fault on the jeans, I though I had selected size 12 but had selected size 14 instead when updating my sizes. I'm a little cautious about prints but would be open to exploring more (as long as we stay away from anything too bold) love the colours and would love to stick with the fall theme all year round!

Bree Diwell

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"Overall I am happy with the selection. I liked 4/5 of the items right away it was just some fit issues which is always hard when ordering online. One of the many reasons I am using Frock Box is the try and return what doesn't work!

Arley Midgley

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Elizabeth Nutting

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Karen Fairweather

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Kristi Landry

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"My first gold box shipment included two solid pieces to build on. I was very happy with the fit and style. A little edgy but yet age appropriate for me in my fifties. Keeping them both and looking forward to more. I also signed up for the shoe box ;-) .... can't wait.

Roxanne Enns

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"The clothing items were nice choices in terms of colour and style, but not a single thing fit me.

Karis Tegart

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Shira Babins

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Valerie Fleisch

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