Do you want more Frock Box in your closet? Shop our in-house brand, Miller by Frock Box here.


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"Overall I liked this box! Fit was good for the most part, except for the shoes.

Erin Robinson

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karlie carter

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Natisha Lupton

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"As usual, I always tell myself I'm only going to keep one or two items and inevitably keep the whole damn box! Good work as usual💕

Dayna Leduc

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Kelly Appleton

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Katherine Benny

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"Thank you Brittany! I really did like all the items in my Frock Box this month! Glad I will have something nice to wear for our upcoming Fall family photos as well ;) Take care and talk soon!!

Brittany Beal

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Katherine Williams

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Jolene Broccolo

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"I am happy! Tanks!:)

Annie Joane Verreault

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