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Shannon Cundell

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Carley L'Hirondelle

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Alexis Blackstaffe

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"Great box this month! Everything felt interchangeable and comfy, and all fell in step with my style goals. Thank you so much for your attention to detail. Moving into winter id love some darker colours or maybe some pants/trousers. Looking forward to the next months order!

Aimee Coutu

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Tara Nunes

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"This is my first Frockbox in several years. I'm happy to see that the quality of the pieces has improved a lot during that time. My stylist read my notes and for a first box did pretty well chosing my pieces for me, we just need to tweak my sizes a bit.

Janice Rawlyk

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Erin Mulligan

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Rebecca Remmerswaal

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"Really like the options this time!

Amber MacNeill

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"I say 5 stars Just need a larger size top.


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