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What to Wear on a Zoom Call!

It's 2020. It's been a weird and wild ride. Maybe your job interviews have been remote lately. Or your weekly meetings done via video conferencing. Zoom happy hour anyone? While we all do our best to keep safe and healthy, a lot of our connections have been online. How lucky are we to be able to maintain some sort of normalcy with these gifts of technology? We have heard from a lot of our subscribers that their wardrobe needs have definitely changed. We wanted to offer some tips and tricks to bring back some inspiration in getting dressed, and how to make the most out of our remote connections!

Let's talk environment! Where you work can really impact your inspiration and productivity levels. Clear the clutter and create a space that you want to be in. Now is the time to get that window office you've always dreamed of! Set up your space near as much natural light as possible. Try to face a window, to not only get that essential dose of Vitamin D, but also take advantage of the amazing lighting for your video calls. There's a reason photographers are always chasing that natural light!

Think about your background, and what shows around you on your webcam. We suggest making it as simple as possible, so that there aren't any distractions. That way your colleagues and friends can focus on YOU and all the important things you are saying! Add some greenery, real or fake, to bring some life and texture to your space. A little can go a long way!

Since most video calls are only from the waist up, try to focus your creativity there. Permission to stay in your sweatpants all day! Try a cute blouse or printed blazer. Layer up! You can always throw on your jacket at the last minute before your call, we won't tell.

So many of our subscribers have switched out the formal wear for the comfies these days. We get it. Staying in your PJs all day feels luxurious! But we also understand that there's significance in the ritual of getting dressed. It can set the tone for your whole day, and make you feel accomplished and productive, even before your first cup of coffee!

Now is the time to embrace colour! A bold or bright pattern will go a long way in making you stand out on your Zoom call. Bust out the patterned blazer or cardigan! If this is an interview that you're doing remotely, we recommend picking the top that best brings out your eyes so that they can pop on the screen. Have fun with accessories too! A statement necklace or earrings translate so well online.

If most of your work is done on your phone, try to set healthy screen time habits so that it doesn't feel like you're always working. And please remember to take coffee breaks! Work life balance these days can feel hard to achieve, and those little breaks throughout the day are worth their weight in gold as we adapt to all the changes thrown our way.

While we've been asked to adapt and change in a lot of ways, some really great things can come out of our time connecting at home. DO wear your favourite dress and heels, even if you have nowhere to go! Getting dressed up can still be fun, even if the events have switched to online. Zoom happy hour can still include great outfits, snacks and drinks! Weather rules are also out the window, since your commute has become 15 seconds. No need to bundle up! Embrace that freedom by wearing your favourites, regardless of the season!

During your work day, when you're taking your lunch break, try to embrace the freedom to make whatever you want to eat or drink! You don't have to plan your packed lunch the night before, or grab something quick at your office cafeteria. Try out new recipes you may not have had time for before. Mix a rejuvenating smoothie for your afternoon pick me up! Make your breakfasts a thing of beauty, instead of convenience. It truly has become all about the little things!

Finally, we truly are all in this together. The feeling of community and connection that we've experienced during these crazy times, have uplifted and inspired us all here at Frock Box. Thank you for being here!

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