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Be a Goalgetter!

A new year brings a sense of freshness into the year, don't you think? After the last year that we've had, and all the collective uncertainty and worry, that fresh new feeling couldn't have come at a better time. A lot of our team goals this year look different than previous years, as we all adapt and change with cautious optimism about all the 2021 will bring. Are you thinking about some goals or resolutions to achieve in 2021? Or a challenge you've put upon yourself?

Our team talks goals frequently, as we believe the more you put plans into place to achieve them, the more likely you are to find success! Below we share some tips on how to make them no longer dreams, but goals with tangible steps to set yourself up to conquer them!

First tip is to Write it Down! Take the time to really write down your goal, what you want to achieve and then all the steps you need to take to achieve it. Think of it as a year long to do list! Breaking down the steps you need to take to achieve your goal can make a BIG goal seem more manageable. Think of them as mini goals instead!

To really jumpstart your dreams, try plugging each step into a calendar, so that you have a timeline. Often without a deadline or end date, it can be hard to feel motivated to begin. Big dreams can sometimes feel overwhelming too, so this can help break it all down. Whether you want to do a daily mini goal approach, or make it more general to a weekly/monthly timeline, adding a date to complete them makes it feel more real. Plus, you can pat yourself on the back each time a mini goal is crossed off the list!

Now, let's start to visualize all that your goal will look like! Writing down the steps is important to figuring out the HOW, but it's important to remind yourself of all that you're working towards to keep you motivated. We are huge fans of using Pinterest boards here at Frock Box, but they need not only apply to fashion. Visualizing your success and what you're working towards is huge to keep your spirits high and focused!

While online boards are helpful, we also would encourage you to create a space where you can add visuals that you will see every day. In front of your laptop in your office, on the fridge, in the bathroom or as your phone's wallpaper - these little visuals will serve as great reminders as to what you're working towards!

We are also huge fans of celebrating each success, no matter how small! Each time you check off a mini goal from your list, celebrate that! Whether that looks like a fancy coffee, a new book or throwing a virtual success party with your friends, find the joy in the process!

Our last tip is a simple one, but it's maybe the most important. Be realistic in your goal setting, and most of all be kind to yourself through the process. As we've learned enduring the last year, you really can't plan for a lot of what's thrown your way, and your ability to adapt and change is important. If you're behind in your mini goal deadline, or lack motivation for a few days, that's ok. We can always start again! Being kind and understanding to yourself will make the process easier when you do get off track. Often times, if we are behind on our goals we feel like we have failed, so giving up on them all together feels easier. It doesn't have to be this way though! Starting again, no matter how far you've come, is part of the process. Things come up, plans have to be rearranged and that is ok.

Keeping your motivation up and your mind in a positive space are all helpful ways to crush your goals! Our team of goalgetters recommend journaling throughout the process, to keep a record of your successes, and also to keep your mind grounded and focused on what you're trying to achieve. That little 10 minutes of checking in with yourself can make a huge difference!

You got this! Whatever your goal may be, or your vision for how you want your life to look, you are the first step to making it all happen. Be sure to share your goals with us, and your Stylist, so that we can cheer for you from the sidelines!